We had finally escaped from Africa and were back at the Unicat workshop. Specifically we were camped at the end of a field that Unicat use for training and testing. First, we needed to complete two weeks isolation. Next job was to head back to the UK but we had no idea when would be a good time or where we would stay. Our plan, from a year ago, was to travel around, visiting friends and family, staying as guests and using a few hotels. The Covid meant this was no longer a good plan. Instead, we managed to find a cottage we could rent for a few weeks and also leaned rather heavily on the ever-supportive Liz & Andy.

While arrangements were being made, we did a second interview for Unicat. This one was about our travels out to Mauritania. You can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBrLt-zKQLQ .
Keeping Cent cool Working on Baloo Industrial camping
I also drove Baloo over a small hill designed for driver training. Then I did it again and Bernhard, ace drone pilot at Unicat, made a short video.
We also went on a short canoeing trip with the boss of Unicat, Thomas. He and Claudia were terrific hosts and very proficient. Despite our complete lack of paddling experience, we had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Diane only capsized the boat once.
Returning to the UK in the midst of a pandemic was a strange and slightly disturbing experience. Many things were just as we had left them but now with different behaviours, making the familiar feel unfamiliar. Each country deals with the lock down in its own way. With England, we could sense the plethora of petty rules and social controls. At one supermarket, the disabled parking bays were inexplicably closed off. At another, we were chased away from the checkout and made to walk a small maze of one-way aisles to the designated queuing area. Nobody else was waiting so we proceeded to exactly the same checkout but this time, having arrived from the correct and presumably Covid-safe direction, we were allowed to pay for our goods. We rented a cottage for a few weeks and the day before we arrived, I received a text message. It explained, very politely, that because of the Covid situation, the cafetiere had been removed from the premises. Coffee without Coronavirus. I have yet to understand this.
We managed to get to see most of our friends and family. This was also strange and rather unsatisfactory. I have never regarded myself as much of a touchy-feely person but it seems I do miss the odd hug or even a handshake. None the less, we stuck to rules and waved to friends over the garden fence. For the most part, there was a lot of walking. This was actually a very pleasant way to spend some time catching up. We had several thoroughly enjoyable treks into the hills. We even went for a walk with my Mum. A couple of days later we took a freshly cooked hot meal round that we shared sitting in the garden.
Visiting the UK was also about a bunch of housekeeping chores. Seeing the doctor, the optician, the dentist (I now have one less tooth) and that sort of thing. Also applying for a new passport and driving licence. We had flu jabs and got the car serviced. Eventually, chores and visiting done, we headed back to the (relative) safety of Baloo. The second wave of virus was grabbing hold and we were concerned that if we waited then we might not be able to leave the country at all. Given that we have nowhere to live in the UK this would have been problematic.
The Hull-Rotterdam ferry, in both directions, was pretty much deserted. Dinner was just us and one other couple in the dining room. It all felt quite safe and actually rather pleasant. I think we saw more shipboard staff than other passengers so service levels were outstanding. Back in Germany, we needed a Covid test and five days isolation. Now we are allowed back into society.
Happy to see you are doing well and got all those chores done.
On our part, we continued traveling since we escaped Morocco. We’re currently in Croatia and plan to spend winter in Greece.
Hopefully you can head out on the road again soon.
P.S. Great video!
Hi Guys. Great to hear that you and Alfie are still travelling and keeping safe.
Maybe catch you in Greece.
Simon & Diane
Hey Diane, Hey Simon, Hey Cent!
nice to here again from you, you are traveling in Germany at the time?
If you need a safe retreat at these … times for a while in North Germany let uns know, you would be welcome.
Kindest regrads
Hi Kai
Trust that you are keeping safe and well.
Many thanks for your generous offer. To be honest, I have no idea what we are doing next or what we can do. If we head towards the north I will be sure to let you know.