
At the moment we are locked down on a campsite near the Moroccan coast. However, a few weeks ago, we were still free to wander the country. We had just left the Tazzeka National Park after an exciting encounter with a tortoise and were heading south.

In the hills to the east of Azrou we stumbled across a delightful valley. We took our time here so it was two days before we got to Boulemane. Along the way, we found water to fill our tanks. There are many public water taps along the road. This particular one was in a quiet place and had enough room for us to park next to it. Almost ideal except for the lack of water pressure. As usual, we were not in a hurry although the two hours that passed while we took on board 800 litres of water did start to drag a little. Baloo has enormous water tanks. This is a great advantage. We hardly ever need to worry about finding water. There are four tanks. Each is about 250 litres. Typically, we use around 40 litres per day. This includes showers, cooking, drinking and everything else. If we run the washing machine that takes another 40 litres. Each tank lasts about a week and as soon as a tank is empty, we start keeping an eye out for opportunities to refill it. Much of the time we drive around with at least two full tanks.

From Boulemane we headed back out into the desert towards Missour and then south. This is a beautiful area to drive in and very quiet. The Corona virus epidemic was just starting to kick in so most of the usual holidaymakers had cancelled their trips. Many of the motorhomes that we had been seeing earlier were now on their way back across Europe. We never really considering running home in a panic. For a start, we did not really have anywhere to go. Morocco seemed like a calm and quiet place to sit out the problems. Like most people, we did not really know how things were going to pan out. In the meantime we had some peaceful desert to ourselves.