
Our thoughts were turning to heading south. We want to see some of the more remote areas of southern Morocco. Time to leave the painted mountains and set off for Western Sahara. First stage was to Assa, a small town just north of the Draa River. We took a meandering route along some smaller roads. The desert is much more intense here. We came across very little by way of cultivation and only saw a few sparse herds of goats. Mostly there were camels. It is calving season for camels so many cute, woolly and lightly coloured baby camels in the herds. Assa proved to be pleasant if unremarkable and the only ATM we could find did not work.

One thought on “Assa”

  1. Yes, brother, we are used to working here despite the destance and thanks you again for you humility, this is the only wog i learned about communication with you

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