
When we are travelling, it is easy to start treating every day a little the same. However, we like the notion of weekends being a bit different, a bit special. Often this means doing a bit more work in the kitchen, cocktails at sunset or possibly a bottle of chilled wine. Some mornings, such as this one, merit a full cooked breakfast. I baked a loaf of sourdough and fried up a mixed vegetable omelette. Fruit juice, coffee, sunshine and the big table outside completed the setting.   

Setting off late, we visited the Ksar campsite and hotel. A remarkable looking and quite isolated place plonked in the desert north of Tan Tan.  I imagine the place is quite popular with tourists during the season. You can lie on sunbeds looking out across a sandy desert scene, swim in the pool and probably get chilled drinks brought to you. Today we were the only visitors. The coffee was pleasant but strong enough to make me jumpy for hours afterwards.

We headed out to the coast past a few tents of camel herders. Their animals just seemed to wandering freely. The nomads waved at us cheerfully. Late afternoon we arrived at the Atlantic shoreline. Steep cliffs overlooking a thin, tidal beach. A few widely scattered and very basic looking huts belonging to the fishermen. Mostly they are collecting shellfish. They clamber down the cliffs at low tide then sit around in small groups at high tide shelling their catch.

That evening we camped on top of the cliffs. There was a particularly good sunset. So good that, weekend notwithstanding, we felt compelled to mark the event with gin and orange sundowners.